USC Catalogue 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
French and Italian
Return to: USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
The Department of French and Italian offers majors and minors in French and in Italian. The study of French or Italian involves the mastery of the languages and their literary and cultural expressions in fiction and non-fiction, dramatic, cinematic and poetic texts, as well as the study of social and political institutions in their relationship to cultural production.
The department offers a variety of classes in French and Italian, as well as some courses with readings and discussion in English to satisfy diverse needs, and courses that count toward GE credit, including GE-A, B and G. Topics range broadly from the study of a single author or literary genre to examining current event issues such as immigration, racism and human rights through cinema and new media, gender and postcolonial studies, and literary criticism. New curricular offerings emphasize specialties in business, law, the environment, urban affairs, and medical and health issues.
Courses are kept small to allow for maximum interaction between students and professors. Students in both French and Italian work closely with their academic advisers as well as with the director of Undergraduate Studies to develop an appropriate course of study. This often involves study abroad. The department offers a number of programs to this end: Spring Maymesters in Rome as well as a number of Francophone countries, a summer program in Dijon, France and semester- or year-long programs in Paris, Milan, Florence or Rome.
Taper Hall of Humanities 155
(213) 740-3700
FAX: (213) 746-7297
Chair: Margaret Rosenthal, PhD
Marion Frances Chevalier Professor of French and Professor of French and American Studies & Ethnicity: Lydie Moudileno, PhD
Professor: Margaret F. Rosenthal, PhD*
Associate Professors: Gian-Maria Annovi, PhD; Olivia C. Harrison, PhD; Edwin C. Hill, PhD; Natania Meeker, PhD, Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques; Panivong Norindr, PhD; Antonia Szabari, PhD
Professor (Teaching) of Italian: Francesca Italiano, PhD
Professor (Teaching) of French: Béatrice Mousli Bennett, PhD, Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques
Associate Professors (Teaching) of French: Guilan Siassi, PhD; Julie Van Dam, PhD
Associate Professors (Teaching) of Italian: Alessio A. Filippi, PhD; James Fortney, PhD; Antonio Idini, PhD; Francesca Leardini, PhD
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of French: Jennifer Misran, PhD
Master Lecturers: Nathalie C. Burle, EdD; Julia Chamberlin, MPhil; Atiyeh Doreen Showrai, MA
Lecturers: Rania Ben Amor, MA; Francesca Ricciardelli, MA
Emeritus Professors: Arthur E. Babcock, PhD; Marie-Florine Bruneau, PhD; Carol A. Hofmann, PhD; Peggy Kamuf, PhD, Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques; Albert Sonnenfeld, PhD, Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques
*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.
Undergraduate Degrees
All French and Italian department majors should consult with the department student adviser and with our faculty adviser for French and Italian. Students should seek an appointment early in each semester so that an advisement file may be established for each student.
A placement test is required of all students with prior knowledge of French or Italian.
Honors Program - French
The BA in French with Honors is available to students who have an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.5 in courses counted for major credit. To complete the honors program the student must complete three 400-level courses and write an honors thesis of 25–30 pages in French in one of the 400-level courses. The topic of the thesis must be agreed upon with the instructor.
French Honors Society: Pi Delta Phi
Undergraduate students must have completed one semester of upper-division French with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in French and overall. Graduate students must be candidates for advanced degrees in French.
Honors Program - Italian
The BA in Italian with Honors is available to students who have an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.5 in courses counted for major credit. To complete the honors program the student must complete three 400-level courses and write an honors thesis of 25–30 pages in Italian in one of the 400-level courses. The topic of the thesis must be agreed upon with the instructor.
Italian Honors Society: Gamma Kappa Alpha
Undergraduate students must have completed one semester of upper-division Italian with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in Italian and overall.
Graduate Programs
The MA and PhD degrees in Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture (French and Francophone Studies) are offered through the Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture program.
Bachelor’s Degree
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