USC Catalogue 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
Earth Sciences
Return to: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Zumberge Hall of Science 117
(213) 740-6106
FAX: (213) 740-8801
Chair: William M. Berelson, PhD
University Professor and W.M. Keck Foundation Chair in Geological Sciences and Professor of Earth Sciences: Thomas H. Jordan, PhD
Wrigley Chair in Environmental Studies and Professor of Earth Sciences and Biological Sciences: Kenneth H. Nealson, PhD
Wilford and Daris Zinsmeyer Early Career Chair in Marine Studies and Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences: A. Joshua West, PhD
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences: Naomi Levine, PhD (Biological Sciences)
Professors: Jan Amend, PhD; Thorsten Becker, PhD; Yehuda Ben-Zion, PhD; William M. Berelson, PhD; David J. Bottjer, PhD*; Frank A. Corsetti, PhD; James F. Dolan, PhD*; Douglas E. Hammond, PhD*; Terence G. Langdon, PhD, DSc (Materials Science); Steven P. Lund, PhD*; James Moffett, PhD (Biological Sciences); Scott R. Paterson, PhD; John P. Platt, PhD*; Charles G. Sammis, PhD*; Sergio Sanudo-Wilhemy, PhD (Biological Sciences); Lowell D. Stott, PhD
Associate Professors: Sarah J. Feakins, PhD; Meghan Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor: Julien Emile-Geay, PhD
Professor (Research): Donald Paul, PhD (Engineering)
Associate Professors (Research): Seth John, PhD; Yong-Gang Li, PhD; David A. Okaya, PhD
Assistant Professor (Research): Douglas LaRowe, PhD
Adjunct Professors: Luis Chiappe, PhD; Anthony Kampf, PhD; Xiaoming Wang, PhD; Francis Wu, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor (Research): Luis Chiappe, PhD; Ellen Platzman, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professors (Research): Andrea Donnellan, PhD; Boris Kaus, PhD
Emeritus Professors: Robert G. Douglas, PhD; Alfred G. Fischer, PhD; Donn S. Gorsline, PhD; Thomas L. Henyey, PhD; Teh-Lung Ku, PhD; Bernard W. Pipkin, PhD*; Ta-liang Teng, PhD
*Recipient of university-wide or college teaching award.
The Department of Earth Sciences includes a spectrum of disciplines focused on understanding the processes that influence the tectonics and environment of the planet, on using this understanding to read the record of earth history written in rocks and sediments, and on developing models that can be used to predict future changes due to natural phenomena and recent perturbations caused by humans. Issues of societal concern related to seismic risk, climate change, environmental contamination and other geologic hazards play an important role. Subdisciplines housed in the department include geophysics, geochemistry, geobiology, structural geology, petrology, marine geology, sedimentology, physical and chemical oceanography, climate science, paleoceanography and paleontology.
The department is committed to emphasizing both educational and research programs and views these efforts as complementary. Instruction is offered on several levels. These include introductory classes for non-science majors, undergraduate courses that are appropriate for undergraduates majoring in earth sciences or other science and engineering disciplines, and graduate classes appropriate for advanced degrees. A close working relationship exists between students and faculty members. Classes beyond the introductory level are usually small, permitting personalized instruction. Field trips are an important part of the instructional program. Two research centers are affiliated with the department: the Southern California Earthquake Center and the Wrigley Institute of Environmental Studies. The graduate program is closely linked with these research efforts, and both graduate and undergraduate students participate in research projects. Collaboration in both research and teaching has led to ties with other programs, including the Department of Biological Sciences, the graduate program in Ocean Sciences and several departments in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
For students interested in pursuing careers in the earth and environmental sciences, the department offers BA, BS, MS and PhD degrees. In addition, students may follow the concentration in climate, earth and environment offered by the Environmental Studies Program. Many graduates now hold positions in industry as environmental consultants or petroleum geologists, in government as managers or researchers, and in academia as faculty and researchers. The BA degree is recommended for students interested in the earth sciences but who intend to pursue careers in other fields, such as business, law or education.
Two minors are available. The geohazards minor is recommended for those who wish to broaden their background in natural hazards, global change or environmental problems. It is accessible to both non-science and science majors. The geobiology minor is recommended for those interested in interdisciplinary work in earth and biological sciences.
The Los Angeles and Southern California areas have a diverse geology, enabling students to gain broad, firsthand knowledge of geological processes. The department conducts field trips to study Southern California geology, and has access to oceanographic vessels for marine research. Many state-of-the-art laboratory instruments are available for use in research and instruction.
Proof of health insurance is mandatory when participation in field trips is required for credit in any earth sciences class.
Honor Society
The Department of Earth Sciences has one honor society: the Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, the national honorary earth sciences fraternity. “Sig Gam” is an undergraduate organization which sponsors undergraduate activities within the department.
Undergraduate Degrees
Undergraduate Honors Program
The department offers an honors program for students pursuing either a BS or a BA in Earth Sciences. Students wishing to participate in this program must complete GEOL 494 x Senior Thesis . Honors will be awarded upon successful completion of the thesis and attainment of an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.5 in courses in the major.
Grade Point Average in Major Subject
A grade of C or higher is required in each course in the earth sciences courses used to complete the department or physical sciences major.
Progressive Degree Program in Geological Sciences
This program permits exceptional students to receive both a BS and MS in geological sciences in not more than 10 semesters. It is intended for students with extraordinary geological sciences preparation and performance who demonstrate a superior level of overall scholarship, including a GPA of 3.5 or better. Students may apply on completion of 64 units of course work but not later than the end of the junior year (or the completion of 96 units). The application for admission to a progressive degree program must be accompanied by an approved course plan proposal and letters of recommendation from two USC faculty members in the Department of Earth Sciences. The requirements for both the BS and MS degrees must be satisfied. Further details about progressive degree programs can be found here.
Graduate Degrees
The department prepares professional earth scientists for careers in academia, government and industry. A wide range of specializations is offered in the department including sedimentary geology, paleo biology, paleo-climatology, paleoecology, micro paleon tology, paleoceanography, geochemistry, geobiology, geophys ics, geodesy, seismology, engineering geology and properties of earth materials, igneous and metamorphic petrology, structural geology and tectonics, and interdisciplinary options. Degrees in ocean sciences (through the Graduate Program in Ocean Sciences) are available.
Admission Requirements
An applicant for admission should have the equivalent of the courses in earth sciences, chemistry, mathematics, and physics required for the BS degree in geological sciences. Applicants with an undergraduate degree in science or engineering who lack required earth sciences courses will also be given consideration.
The Department of Earth Sciences requires the following evidence for admission to its doctoral program: strong undergraduate background and a superior academic record as documented by GPAs in undergraduate and any completed graduate work, Graduate Record Examinations scores no more than five years old in the verbal and quantitative General Test, and at least three letters of recommendation from undergraduate and, if applicable, graduate advisers and professors. The number of students accepted in any one year depends on available space in the department and acceptance for advisement by one or more professors.
Funding is offered for MS degrees only when completed en route to the pursuit of a PhD degree.
The online USC graduate admissions application will refer applicants to a required supplemental departmental application. The department admits students for both the fall and spring semesters; however, applicants for assistantships and fellowships are encouraged to apply for the fall semester.
Degree Requirements
These degrees are under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Refer to the Requirements for Graduation section and The Graduate School section of this catalogue for general regulations. All courses applied toward the degrees must be courses accepted by the Graduate School.
Interdisciplinary Programs
Interdisciplinary programs can be arranged for students also interested in astronomy, bioscience, chemistry, engineering, oceanography and physics. The Department of Earth Sciences maintains laboratories for micro-paleontologic, paleobiologic, mineralogic, petrologic, geophysical, geochemical and oceanographic research, and collections are available for comparative work in invertebrate paleontology. Students interested in systematic studies will find a wealth of material, available for comparative purposes, in the adjacent Los Angeles County Museum. Facilities for research in sedimentation, oceanography, and marine geology are pro vided in the department and by the university’s research fleet.
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Doctoral Degree
Earth Sciences
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