Mar 13, 2025
USC Catalogue 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
Interactive Entertainment (BA)
The Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Entertainment is granted through the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences in conjunction with the School of Cinematic Arts. Students study within a framework, which combines a broad liberal arts background with specialization in a profession. Undergraduate students take their pre-professional courses in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, including the general education requirements. Major courses are selected from the curriculum of the School of Cinematic Arts. The degree requires 128 units, including a minimum of 48 units in the major.
General Education Requirements
The university’s general education program provides a coherent, integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge you will need to consider yourself (and to be considered by other people) a generally well-educated person. This program is effective for all students entering USC in fall 2015 or later, or transfer students beginning college elsewhere at that time and subsequently transferring to USC. It requires eight courses in six Core Literacies, plus two courses in Global Perspectives (which may double-count with courses in the Core Literacies) and two courses in writing. See General Education Program for more information.
Required Production Courses
Undergraduates admitted to the Interactive Entertainment Program are required to take CTPR 290 . CTPR 290 introduces the interrelationship of visuals, sound and editing in cinematic communication. Students participate in directing and producing workshops as well as individual and group projects. Approximately $1,000 should be budgeted for miscellaneous expenses, lab and insurance fees. At least 6 units of the following are required:
At least one of the following is required:
At least one of the following is required:
Four additional upper-division units of Cinematic Arts electives Additional Requirements
Grade Point Average Requirements A minimum grade of C, 2.0 (A = 4.0), must be earned in all required and prerequisite courses. A grade of C- (1.7) or lower will not fulfill a major requirement. Students who do not earn the minimum grade of C (2.0) in CTIN 190 , CTIN 483 , CTIN 484 , CTIN 488 or CTIN 489 after repeating these requirements will be disqualified from the program. Limitations on Enrollment Registration in graduate-level courses (numbered 500) for undergraduate credit requires prior approval of the School of Cinematic Arts. Curriculum Review Cinematic arts majors are expected to meet with an adviser every semester to review their progress. Contact the Interactive Media Program Office, SCA 223, (213) 821-4472, for an appointment. |
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