The Bachelor of Arts in Choral Music combines the flexibility of a Bachelor of Arts program with an in-depth education in choral music that includes an introduction to choral music and course work in choral conducting, choral development, choral arranging, diction and choral ensemble.
Entrance Requirements
Admission to Thornton programs is granted through the USC admission process. Applicants are screened by appropriate faculty selection committees. Specific entrance requirements are reviewed on an annual basis and published online at music.usc.edu.
General Education Requirements
The university’s program provides a coherent, integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge you will need to consider yourself (and to be considered by other people) a generally well-educated person. This program is effective for all students entering USC in fall 2015 or later, or transfer students beginning college elsewhere at that time and subsequently transferring to USC. It requires eight courses in six Core Literacies, plus two courses in Global Perspectives (which may double-count with courses in the Core Literacies) and two courses in writing. In addition, all entering freshmen are expected to complete a General Education Seminar during their first year at USC. These seminars satisfy one of the Core Literacy requirements above.
Note that courses within the major will also satisfy certain Core Literacy requirements. Please work with your major adviser to determine those courses.
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