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Dual Degree Program
The Leventhal School of Accounting, in conjunction with the USC Gould School of Law, offers a dual degree program leading to the degrees of Juris Doctor and Master of Business Taxation (JD/MBT). This program permits a student to pursue a specialized program in taxation through courses in the Marshall School of Business, the Leventhal School of Accounting and the USC Gould School of Law. The MBT portion of the program requires 42 units, including 9 units of law school courses that are recognized by the Leventhal School of Accounting toward the JD/MBTJD/MBT Students must complete 76 law units to satisfy the JD portion of the dual degree.
Unit Requirements
The total number of units required for the MBT portion of the JD/MBT program will vary, depending on the educational background of the individual student. Units are divided into four categories and students are required to maintain an overall graduate grade point average of 3.0.
The Leventhal School of Accounting Master’s Program Office evaluates the academic background of each admitted student to determine if any of the 12 units of course work in Group I can be waived.
The courses in Groups II, III and IV are required of all JD/MBT students and total 30 units, including no more than 9 units of Law School courses.
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