Sep 23, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2020-2021 
USC Catalogue 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]

Courses of Instruction

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.



  • COMM 486 Human and Technological Systems in Organizations

    Units: 4
    How communication and information technologies are linked to organizational control, design, cultures; technology and competitive advantage; ethics and policy issues; technology-mediated work.
    Recommended Preparation: COMM 385 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 487 Communication and Global Organizations

    Units: 4
    The role of communication in global organizations; information, networks, and communication technologies for global organizing; computer-based collaborative work and virtual organizations.
    Recommended Preparation: COMM 385 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 488 Communication Research in Organizations

    Units: 4
    Seminar in application of communication research tools; diagnosis and analysis of communication problems; current topics in organizational communication scholarship; students complete original research projects.
    Recommended Preparation: COMM 385 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 489 Campaign Communication

    Units: 4
    Problems in political communication: creating an informed electorate, use of mass media, factors in voter persuasion. Guest experts in political analysis, opinion polling, communication evaluation.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 490x Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Max Units: 12.0
    Individual research and readings.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 494x Research Practicum

    Units: 2, 3, 4
    Max Units: 4.0
    Students gain research experience in the design, implementation, analysis, and reporting of communication research. Students serve as research assistants to faculty members.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 495 Honors Seminar

    Units: 4
    Max Units: 8.0
    Advanced study of issues in communication; recent developments in communication and rhetorical theories. Recommended for seniors.
    Recommended Preparation: COMM 301Lg .
    Registration Restriction: Open only to students in COMM honors program.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 497x Honors Thesis

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Writing of the honors thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 498 Ethical Issues in Entertainment and Communication

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Examines social and political controversies over conflicting ethical standards for communication in a variety of media: mass-media, communication technology and entertainment.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 499 Special Topics

    Units: 2, 3, 4
    Max Units: 8.0
    Selected topics in communication
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 502 Theoretical Approaches to Multidisciplinary Design Projects

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Focuses on theories and research in communication and social sciences to bridge disciplines to produce a proposal, business plan, publication, or a research project.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to Communication Data Science and to Digital Social Media majors
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 504x Interpersonal Communication

    Units: 4
    Theories of communication behavior in relatively unstructured, face-to-face situations; examination of decoder-encoder, message, channel, and situational variables.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 508x Power, Politics and Conflict in Communication

    Units: 4
    Human communicative behavior involving the creation and resolution of conflict in interpersonal, small group, and formal organizational settings.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 509x Classical Rhetorical Theory

    Units: 4
    Theories of rhetoric from the fifth century B.C. through the fifth century A.D.; emphasis on the Sophists, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, and St. Augustine.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 511x Contemporary Rhetorical Theory

    Units: 4
    Theories of rhetoric from the 18th century to the present; emphasis on Perelman, Burke, Habermas, Grassi, and Booth.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 512x Rhetorical Criticism

    Units: 4
    Theories and methods of assessing popular persuasive art forms such as contemporary drama, music, poetry, and journalism as well as traditional forms of public address.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 513x Neoclassical Rhetorical Theory

    Units: 4
    Theories of rhetoric from the fifth century A.D. through the 18th century; emphasis on dictamin, praedicandi, poetriae, Alquin, Ramus, Port-Royalists, Bacon, Campbell, Blair, and Whately.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 514x Social Movements as Rhetorical Form

    Units: 4
    Study of the rhetoric of social change; methodologies for analysis and appraisal; investigation of specific collective protest and reform movements.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 515x Postmodern Rhetorical Theory

    Units: 4
    Implications of postmodernity for rhetorical theory and criticism; issues of textuality, agency, and subjectivity in communication; study of selected postmodern figures.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 516x Feminist Theory and Communication

    Units: 4
    Implications of feminist theory for communication; topics include epistemology, critique of science/technology, women and language, feminist approaches to media and film, women and the workplace.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as SWMS-516
  • COMM 517x Rhetorical Theory and Culture

    Units: 4
    Issues of culture in recent rhetorical theory; in-depth examination of representative idealist, pragmatist, structuralist, critical, and post-modern accounts of the symbolic construction of cultural forms.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 518x American Public Address

    Units: 4
    History and criticism of major American speakers and speeches with reference to the social, political, and intellectual background of their times.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 519x Cultural Studies in Communication

    Units: 4
    Theoretical foundations, history, and development of cultural studies in communication; implications of issues of nationalism, colonialism, technologies, popular culture, and politics of bodies for communication.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 520 The Rhetoric of the Presidential Campaign Trail

    Units: 4
    Students follow the ongoing presidential campaign and consider topics such as gender, race, new media, polling, religion, and advertising on election outcomes.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 521x Argumentation

    Units: 4
    Foundation of critical deliberation; the nature of informal reasoning; logical and ethical problems; analysis and appraisal of naturalistic argument.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 522x Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Theory

    Units: 4
    Studies the contributions of Kenneth Burke, among the most significant figures in the development of contemporary rhetorical theory and criticism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 524x Small Group Process

    Units: 4
    Contemporary theoretical models; problems in determination and measurement of variables in small group communication environments; assessment of recent research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 525x Humanistic and Social Scientific Approaches to Human Communication I

    Units: 4
    Overview of the humanistic and social scientific approaches to the study of communication; emphasis on rhetorical/critical and macro social scientific perspectives.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 526x Humanistic and Social Scientific Approaches to Human Communication II

    Units: 4
    Overview of the humanistic and social scientific approaches to the study of communication; emphasis on macro and micro social scientific, symbolic and structural perspectives.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 546 The Political Economy of Innovation

    Units: 4
    How does innovation occur and spread? How has innovation changed over time?
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 550 Quantitative Research Methods in Communication

    Units: 4
    Epistemological assumptions, design, and beginning methods of quantitative analysis in communication research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 552 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication

    Units: 4
    Developing expertise in qualitative methods, including participant-observation, ethnography, discourse analysis and historiography in communication research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 553 Global Internet Governance

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Explores cybersecurity, privacy, network neutrality and other critical issues in internet governance through the lenses of international political economy and media theories.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as IR 553
  • COMM 554 Regression and Multivariate Communication Research

    Units: 4
    Advanced analysis of variance, regression models, path analysis, MANOVA, and discriminant analysis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 556 Advanced Methods in Communication Research

    Units: 4
    Structural Equation Modeling, LISREL, log linear and other advanced statistical methods used in contemporary communication research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 557 Data Science for Communication and Social Networks

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Learn to harness the power of data science and computational techniques to study social and communication networks and extract value, knowledge and insights from big data.
    Recommended Preparation: DSCI 552
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 559 Globalization, Communication and Society

    Units: 4
    Comparative analysis of social, cultural and political impacts of communication technology and media; emphasis given to communication’s influence in the social dimensions of globalization.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 560 Global Media and Communication in China and Asia

    Units: 4
    The characteristics of global communication in global capitalism and the political economic processes within which policies, interests, and implications of global communication are embedded.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 561 Leading and Communicating Change in Global Organizations

    Units: 4
    Communication perspectives on the process and outcomes of globalization; role of large media organizations in the global flow of information; and leadership and multiculturalism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 563 Black Popular Culture: Theory and Central Debates

    Units: 4
    Examines black popular cultures as indexes for historical struggles over race, gender, nationalism, identity, subjectivity, aesthetics, institutional resources, political/cultural autonomy, and ideology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 564 Communication, Culture and Capitalism

    Units: 4
    A survey of scholarship about the relationship between money and culture, with emphasis on poststructural accounts of neoliberalism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 566 Using Theory to Craft Policies to Affect Change

    Units: 4
    Review path-breaking ideas from Nobel-winning economists; examine specific cases, trying to understand the process by which markets and institutions transform ideas into results.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 567 The Political Economy of Privacy and Cybersecurity

    Units: 4
    Considers the challenges of maintaining and protecting privacy while improving cybersecurity in the United States and globally.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 570 Economics of the Communication Industries

    Units: 4
    The economic forces that determine the structure and outputs of communication and media industries, including newspapers, broadcasting, cable, and telecommunications.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 572 Theories of Computer-Mediated Communication

    Units: 4
    Selected topics in the study of new technologies for human communication: adoption of CMC technologies; social networking; self-presentation and impression formation in CMC; online friendships.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 573 Networked Publics: Theories and Encounters

    Units: 4
    Examines models of a democratic public sphere, with special focus on design and use of networked information infrastructures supporting free speech.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 574 Science and Technology Studies for Communication and Media

    Units: 4
    Introduction to the field of Science and Technology Studies; examines sociotechnical models of knowledge, power and society as related to communication and media.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 575 Advocacy and Social Change in Entertainment and the Media

    Units: 4
    Examines how diverse groups (i.e., governmental agencies, advertisers, health organizations, advocacy groups, actors, social scientists) attempt to influence audiences through entertainment and traditional media channels.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 576 Civic Media and Participatory Politics

    Units: 4
    Examines tools and practices enabling activists to exert voice and influence public policies; ways citizens are working to meet the information needs of their communities.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 577 Fandom, Participatory Culture and Web 2.0

    Units: 4
    Emerging models of audience engagement and participation in a networked culture with a strong focus on grassroots communities and their relationships with cult media content.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 578 New Media Literacies

    Units: 4
    Examines intersection of education and participatory culture, literacy and media change, the participation gap, informal learning and knowledge communities, emerging social skills and cultural competencies.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 579 Entrepreneurship in the New Media

    Units: 4
    Examination of how the digital revolution is creating news media entrepreneurs, and changing the way news is disseminated by journalists and heard by consumers.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 580 Media and Politics

    Units: 4
    Mass media in American political life, including political reporting, election campaigns, non-electoral politics, and the media as a political issue.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 582 Information and Communication Technology for Development

    Units: 4
    Roles of media institutions and communications behavior in national development, including political, economic, and social spheres; Western and non-Western conceptions of development processes.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 585x Organizational Communication

    Units: 4
    Theory and research; field experience in analyzing and solving communication problems in organizations.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 590 Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the school.
    Duplicates Credit in former COMM 590.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • COMM 594a Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • COMM 594b Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • COMM 594z Master’s Thesis

    Units: 0
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • COMM 598 Practicum in Global Communication Research

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Development and assessment of research into global communication; selection of appropriate research methodologies; production of scholarly research; and completion of an internship/practicum.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to Global Communication master students
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 599 Special Topics

    Units: 2, 3, 4
    Max Units: 8.0
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 602 Seminar in Persuasion

    Units: 4
    Classical and contemporary theories of persuasion, attitude formation and change; impact of cognition, affect and emotions; cultural and group influences; message strategies and framing.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 605 Advanced Macro Theories of Communication

    Units: 4
    Advanced macro theories of communication and culture creation/change; emphasis on structural-functionalism, neo-Marxism, critical theory, symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, post-structuralism, deconstruction.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 610 Studies in Rhetorical Theory

    Units: 4
    Max Units: 12.0
    Problems in rhetorical theory and criticism; advanced, specialized interest areas of individual faculty on the frontiers of knowledge.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 611 Communication Technology and Healthcare

    Units: 4
    Impact on healthcare and patient empowerment of new communication technologies including social media and mobile communications, online interventions, syndromic surveillance, user-generated reviews, electronic health records.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 612 Designing Health Communication Interventions

    Units: 4
    Effectively changing health outcomes for target population using games, mobile and online interventions; formative and summative evaluation; virtual environments for fMRI studies.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 613 Grant Writing in Communication

    Units: 4
    Finding the right grant; how to develop theory, optimize funding, write critical components of grants, form collaborations with experts; how review panels work.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 614 Computational Approaches in Health Communication

    Units: 4
    Statistical and computational approaches to health communication data; better understanding, using simulations, of how theory might better guide empirical research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 615 Health Communication

    Units: 4
    Evaluation of research about communication in patient care, health campaigns for diverse publics, tools for disease management, and outreach to producers in mass media.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 616 Health Communication for Prevention

    Units: 4
    Examination of health communication efforts for the prevention of diseases or other adverse physical or mental health outcomes by the promotion of behavior change.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 618 Mass Media Effects

    Units: 4
    Theoretical and research questions about mass communication effects; criticism and interpretation of current research and theory, and formulation of new theory.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 620 Studies in Communication Theory

    Units: 4
    Max Units: 12.0
    Current problems in communication theory and research: advanced, specialized interest areas of individual faculty on the frontiers of knowledge.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 629 Global Culture

    Units: 4
    Examines the relationship of culture to globalization, ranging from nationalism and colonialism to global cultural products, multinational cultural production, diasporic cultures, global media, and cosmopolitanism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 630 Communication Technology and Social Change

    Units: 4
    Impact of technological advances on human communication practices and theories; trends, forecasts, implications.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 635 Economics of Information

    Units: 4
    Applications of macro and microeconomic principles: economic role of the information sector; production, distribution, and pricing of information products; information in the functioning of markets.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 636 Interpretive and Cultural Approaches in Organizational Communication

    Units: 4
    Interpretive, critical and cultural research in organizational communication; emphasis on narrative approaches to ethnographic studies, critical essays, and quantitative intercultural research in organizational communication.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 637 Current Readings in Organizational Communication

    Units: 4
    Recent developments in organizational communication theory and research; emerging issues and methodologies; future directions.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 638 Global, International and Intercultural Communication in Organizations

    Units: 4
    Communication processes in global organizational transformation; influences of information technology, intercultural variables, and globalization on decision-making, operations and practices of international and transnational organizations.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 640 Communication and Organizational Change

    Units: 4
    Analysis of communication and information networks in organizations and their relationships with communication technologies, organizational behavior, and management.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 641 Organizations and Communication Technologies

    Units: 4
    Communication technology impacts on organizations; organizational influence on technology development and deployment; methods for organizational communication technology studies; critiques and implications for theory and research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 645 Communication Networks

    Units: 4
    Conceptual and analytic issues in network perspectives; emphasis on communication patterns, processes, content, influences and impacts.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 647x Network Society

    Units: 4
    Advanced research seminar examining the interaction between communication technology, society, economy, politics and culture from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 648 Online Communities and Networks

    Units: 4
    Examination of academic research on the social, cultural, political, and economic effects of online communities; policy implications of this research; mobile technology’s role in community building.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 649 Methodologies in Cultural Studies

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    An exploration of theoretical, technical, and political implications of cross-disciplinary scholarship rooted in cultural studies.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 650 Survey Construction and Validation

    Units: 4
    Principles of survey construction and validation; format selection, sampling, question wording, adaptation for international audiences, response option formats, order, and avoiding acquiescence bias and breakoffs.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 651 Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs

    Units: 4
    Advantages and drawbacks to experimental designs and quasi experimental designs for social research and theory building. Emphasis on how to design and report experiments.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 652 Ethnographic Field Research in Communication

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Explores ethnography as research mode including theory and practice of ethnographic research; epistemological and political underpinnings of ethnographic research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 653 Research, Practice and Social Change

    Units: 4
    Examination of theoretical models and best practices of academic research and advocacy relationships; students conduct a community-based research project using a model of community-based participatory research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 654 Art, Artists and Society

    Units: 4
    Cultural and temporal differences in defining arts, artists and audiences; transmitting cultural beliefs through art; understanding aesthetic responses; experiences of alienation and incomprehension with art.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 655 Studies in Sound, Music and Communication

    Units: 4
    An introduction to listening as a methodology of critical practice. Key topics in the study and interpretation of sound and music as forms of communication.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 656 Theorizing Race, Culture, Cross-Cultural Exchange

    Units: 4
    Intersection of communication and culture; focus on race, ethnicity, interracial and intraracial relations in shaping political, social dynamics of U.S. in late 20th and early 21st centuries.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 657 Critical Theories of Race and Culture

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Examines the historical emergence of ideas about race, modernity and colonialism and the role of culture in shaping how we understand race today.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as AMST 657, SOCI 659
  • COMM 660 Entertainment and Games

    Units: 4
    Contemporary meaning of “entertainment,” historical and cultural developments of entertainment; entertainment as psychological process of responding to/interacting with various media.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 662 Video Games Research

    Units: 4
    History and content, motivation and selection, reception and reaction processes, and effects of video games; students conduct original research into video game usage and effects.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 670 Economic Cultures

    Units: 4
    Explores and analyzes the interaction between culture and economy by observing different types of economic practices.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 672 Experiments in Critical Writing

    Units: 4
    Seminar and workshop dedicated to the practice of critical non-fiction writing, and the role of the creative impulse in scholarly criticism and print journalism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 673 Public Intellectuals

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Explores alternative genres of public-facing writing (blog posts, interviews, op-eds, policy statements, multimedia publishing); considers exemplars of academics engaging with the public.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • COMM 675 Independent Study

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4
    A supervised course tailored to specific student interests. The professor and student develop a syllabus that permits exploration of advanced or specialized topics.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • COMM 694 Preliminary Research Paper

    Units: 2
    Independent research designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to conceptualize, conduct, and present scholarly research.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

    Crosslisted as Parallel to COMM 794a  COMM 794b  COMM 794c  COMM 794d  COMM 794z  .
  • COMM 790 Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the school.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit


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