Jul 02, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2018-2019 
USC Catalogue 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]

Courses of Instruction

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.


Preventive Medicine

  • PM 515 Multivariate Statistics in Health Behavior Research

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Advanced training in multivariate statistical techniques involving general linear modeling, mixed modeling and basic latent variables analysis in health behavior research
    Prerequisite: PM 511aL  and PM 511bL  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 516a Statistical Problem Solving

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    An overview of the tools used by statisticians for solving statistical problems.
    Prerequisite: PM 510L.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 516b Statistical Problem Solving

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    An overview of the tools used by statisticians for solving statistical problems.
    Prerequisite: PM 510L.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 517a Research Methods in Epidemiology

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Study design, ascertainment of study objects, questionnaire development, various methodological issues in data analysis and interpretation including bias, measurement error, confounding and effect modification.
    Prerequisite: PM 511a  and PM 518a 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 517b Research Methods in Epidemiology

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Overview of epidemiologic research in cancer. Selected cancer sites will be covered to highlight study design and conduct, exposure assessment, data analysis and interpretation.
    Prerequisite: PM 517a 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 518a Statistical Methods for Epidemiological Studies I, II

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Principles and methods used in epidemiology for comparing disease frequencies between groups. Restricted to the analysis of binary outcome variables.
    Prerequisite: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 518b Statistical Methods for Epidemiological Studies I, II

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Statistical methods for binary outcomes by introducing techniques for cross classified risks and rates and regression models for individual data.
    Prerequisite: PM 518a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Discussion
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 519 Introduction to Human Nutrition

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Dietary role of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals in metabolism; nutritional assessment; nutritional deficiencies. Focus on the role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 530 .
    Duplicates Credit in former PHNU 527.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 520L Advanced Statistical Computing

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: SpSm
    Techniques for the solution of statistical problems through intensive computing; iterative techniques, randomization tests, the bootstrap, Monte Carlo methods..
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab Required
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 521a Seminar in Nutrition

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Duplicates Credit in former PHNU 520ab.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 521b Seminar in Nutrition

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Duplicates Credit in former PHNU 520ab.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 522a Introduction to the Theory of Statistics

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Density distribution and hazard functions; normal, chi-square, student’s t and F distributions; and sampling procedures for single factor and multiple factor designs, distributions.
    Recommended Preparation: working knowledge of multivariable calculus and familiarity with linear algebra.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 522b Introduction to the Theory of Statistics

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Theory of estimation and testing, inference, analysis of variance, theory of regression.
    Recommended Preparation: college-level calculus and linear algebra.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 523 Design of Clinical Studies

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Design, conduct, and interpretation of results of clinical trials; emphasis on principles affecting structure, size, duration of a trial, and the impact of ethical and practical considerations.
    Prerequisite: PM 511a  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 524a Practicum in Health Behavior

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Practical experience in a variety of field settings to gain a certain type of skill such as curriculum development, media production, and patient education. Practicum in prevention.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 524b Practicum in Health Behavior

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Practical experience in a variety of field settings to gain a certain type of skill such as curriculum development, media production, and patient education. Practicum in compliance.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 524c Practicum in Health Behavior

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Practical experience in a variety of field settings to gain a certain type of skill such as curriculum development, media production, and patient education. Practicum in health behavior topics.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 525 Culture and Health: Global Perspectives

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    International variations in health status with a focus on the impact of socioeconomic status, politics, environment, education and gender in etiology of illness, access to health care, progression of disease, and recovery.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 526 Communications in Public Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Application of communication theories and methods to community health problems. Includes background assessment, program design, evaluation, social marketing, media advocacy, review of major health campaigns.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 527 Epidemiology of Infectious Disease

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Survey of natural history of infectious disease, methods of disease control and outbreak investigation, and an overview of the epidemiology of injury.
    Prerequisite: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 528 Program Design and Evaluation

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Core concepts, methods and values of public health program planning and evaluation, including community needs assessment, writing objectives, designing health promotion programs, process and outcome evaluation.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 529 Environmental Health: An Epidemiological Approach

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    An overview of environmental health, identifying issues in assessing effects of exposure on health and potential interventions for reducing adverse health risks.
    Prerequisite: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 530 Biological Basis of Disease

    Units: 4, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Sp
    With a physiological overview, differentiates genetic and environmental disease; emphasis on the relationships between lifestyle, behavior, and health.
    Prerequisite: admission to PhD in Preventive Medicine, Health Behavior Research or basic biology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 531 Research Methods in Nutrition

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    In-depth discussion of nutrition research including nutrition assessment, measurement of dietary intake, study design, statistical issues, critical appraisal, and translation into practice.
    Prerequisite: PM 510 , PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 532 Genetics in Public Health and Preventive Medicine

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sm
    History and philosophy of public health genetics and mechanisms of genetic diseases. Epidemiologic methods used to identify genetic diseases in individuals, families, and populations. Emphasis on prevention and relevant ethical issues.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 533 Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Genetic principles; design and analysis of family studies; introduction to likelihood estimation; segregation and linkage analysis; biomarkers of exposure, susceptibility, and disease; laboratory methods; susceptibility genes; association and linkage disequilibrium.
    Prerequisite: PM 510  and PM 512 
    Recommended Preparation: PM 511b , PM 518a , PM 543 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 534 Statistical Genetics

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Familial aggregation, segregation analysis, linkage analysis, association, regressive models, gene-environment interactions, genetic heterogeneity and linkage disequilibrium.
    Prerequisite: PM 518a , PM 522a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 535 Nutrition in Public Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Principles related to developing effective programs and services to improve the health and nutrition within a community. Attaining and maintaining nutritional health related to biology, lifestyle choices, environments, and health care delivery systems.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 530 .
    Duplicates Credit in former PHNU 523.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 536 Program Evaluation and Research

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Overview of concepts, tools, data collection, analysis methods and designs used to evaluate health promotion programs. Examples from substance abuse prevention, family planning and reproductive health programs.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 537 Chronic Disease Epidemiology

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Overview of causative factors and demographic distribution of major chronic diseases in the western world. Epidemiologic concepts, methods and research design as applied to chronic disease prevention will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 538 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sm
    Overview of current topics, enabling technologies, research initiatives, and practical considerations in biomedical informatics.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 539 Nutrient-Drug Interactions

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sm
    Examines the various ways foods, and the nutrients contained in them, interact with medications used to treat chronic health conditions.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 540 Maternal and Child Nutrition: Practice and Policy

    Units: 4
    Physiological basis for good nutrition during pregnancy and childhood through adolescence. Design, implementation and evaluation of public health nutrition programs and policies serving women and children.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 530 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 541 Obesity, Metabolism and Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Overview of the epidemiology of obesity, related health conditions and mechanisms related to energy balance, food intake and genetics. Discussion of prevention and treatment strategies.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 530 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 542 Social Network Analysis

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Theory, methods and procedures of network analysis with emphasis on applications to public health programs.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 543L Nonparametric Statistics

    Units: 3
    (Enroll in MATH 543 )
    Instruction Mode: Includes laboratory.
  • PM 544L Multivariate Analysis

    Units: 3, 2 years
    Terms Offered: SpSm
    Exploratory and inferential techniques for multivariate data, Hotelling’s T2, multivariate analysis of variance, classification analysis, principle components, cluster analysis, factor analysis. Involves computer use.
    Prerequisite: PM 510 , PM 522a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab Required
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as MATH-544
  • PM 545L Introduction to Time Series

    Units: 3
    (Enroll in MATH 545 )
    Instruction Mode: Includes laboratory.
  • PM 546 Biological Threats and Terrorism

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    History of biowarfare and bioterrorism; proper surveillance techniques, capacity building for public health and medical communities, and the importance of effective communications. Methods of preparedness, prevention and response are examined.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 547 Public Health Policy and Politics

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Examination of major policy issues in the U.S. health care delivery system to understand policy options in reforming health care and reducing health care disparities.
    Prerequisite: PM 509  .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Discussion
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 548 Prevention and Public Policy

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Introduction to prevention policy framework; examination of how the application of epidemiology and behavioral aspects of diseases shapes the development of public health policy.
    Prerequisite: PM 508  , PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Discussion
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 549 Human Molecular Genetics

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    (Enroll in BIOC 543 )
  • PM 550 Sample Surveys

    Units: 3
    (Enroll in MATH 550 )
  • PM 551 Statistical Methods in Genome-Wide Association Studies

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Provides epidemiologists with an overview of current statistical problems and approaches in the design and analysis of genome-wide association studies.
    Prerequisite: PM 511a , PM 512 ;
    Corequisite: PM 522a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 552 Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials

    Units: 3, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Stochastic failure process; parametric models for survival data; sample size estimation procedures for clinical trials; multivariate regression models for binary outcome and censored survival data; computer programs; multiple failure modes and competing risks.
    Prerequisite: PM 518a , MATH 408 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 553 Human Exposure Assessment for Public Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Examination of important routes of exposure to toxic materials; how to measure exposure; strengths and weaknesses of different measurement techniques; design of exposure assessment studies.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 510  or one semester of statistics and background in science or engineering for graduate students not in MPH.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 554 Health Effects of Environmental Contaminants

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Examines the interrelationships among biology, the environment and health, including the fundamental principles of basic toxicology and biology underlying environmental health effects.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 529  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 555 Environmental Health, Policy and Practice

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Examination of environmental public health policies/regulations, the role of science in assessment and policy initiatives, barriers to change, and competing interests that influence policy adoption.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 529 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 556 Environment and the Brain

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    An examination of the effects of environmental exposures on the brain, addressing both human health and neurobiologic correlates throughout the lifespan.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 557 Global Environmental Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Examination of the health effects of global environmental changes, including climate change, globalization, food safety, air pollution, water pollution, and radiation.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 558 Environmental Epidemiology: Concepts, Methods, and Practice

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Examine epidemiologic methods, concepts, and statistical approaches; case-study seminars with structured critiques of current literature on human-environment interactions affecting public health.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 510  and PM 512 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 559 Cancer Epidemiology

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Explores the fundamental concepts of cancer epidemiology, including the molecular basis, descriptive epidemiology, and historical and groundbreaking studies that have impacted the field.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 512 or equivalent
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 560 Statistical Programming With R

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sm
    The contents include: R objects, control structure, data input and output, subsetting objects, data manipulation and aggregations, character manipulation, graphics, and writing user-defined functions.
    Recommended Preparation: Knowledge of one programming language other than R or a half-year experience programming in R.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 561 Promoting Dietary Change

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Development, implementation, and evaluation of dietary interventions at community and individual levels. Discussion of lifespan, culture, socioeconomic, and environmental factors.
    Prerequisite: PM 501 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 562 Intervention Approaches for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Approaches for modifying health behavior in various settings and within diverse populations. Emphasis on practical considerations necessary to design and implement interventions with demonstrated effectiveness.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 563 Organizing and Mobilizing Communities for Public Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Survey of effective community organizing and mobilization efforts in the U.S. and abroad, using participatory, organizational, community empowerment and public-private partnership models.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 564 Public Health Leadership and Management

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Introduction to leadership and management concepts, tools, and practices in the context of domestic and global public health and healthcare delivery settings.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 565 Introduction to Global Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Current public health issues and research topics relating to 21st century challenges and threats. Lessons learned and best practices to strengthen public health systems and enhance public health readiness and preparedness.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 567 Public Health Disaster Management and Response

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Definition and chronology of natural and man-made disasters and their effects on the global community. Structure and organization of disaster management systems and the role of humanitarian organizations.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 501 , PM 512  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 568 Ethical Issues in Public Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Ethical principles in the distribution of health resources, conduct of global public health research, and implementation of public health initiatives across different nations, cultures, religions.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 501  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 569 Spatial Statistics

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    An introduction to statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting spatially referenced data topics include: geostatistics, areal data, point pattern data and visualization.
    Prerequisite: PM 511a ;
    Recommended Preparation: familiarity with R.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 570 Statistical Methods in Human Genetics

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    An introductory course in the statistical methods used in the analysis of human genetic data.
    Prerequisite: PM 533 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 571 Applied Logistic Regression

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sm
    An introduction to the logistic regression model, emphasizing practical data analysis techniques.
    Prerequisite: PM 510 ; PM 512 ; and PM 511a  or PM 518a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 572 Systems Physiology and Disease I

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    (Enroll in INTD 572 )
  • PM 573 Systems Physiology and Disease II

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    (Enroll in INTD 573 )
  • PM 574 Programming In Modern Statistical Software

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Programming using SAS Software, including branching, sub-setting, PDV, looping, by-group processing, array, combining data functions, ODS, and macros.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 575 Statistical Methods in Environmental Epidemiology

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Study designs, exposure time response, longitudinal, spatial, ecologic correlation and mechanistic models, measurement error interactions, measurement error, public policy implications.
    Prerequisite: PM 511b  and PM 518a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 576 Global Health Research and Programs

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Introduction to the core concepts and methods of planning and implementing health-related programs and research in resource-constrained settings.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 577 Global Health, Law and Human Rights

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Highlights the complex interactions between global health, law and human rights, emphasizing the use of human rights in public health thinking and practice.
    Recommended Preparation: MPH core course work.
    Duplicates Credit in LAW 707 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 578 Global Health Governance and Diplomacy

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Investigates the way health is organized and administered at the global level, emphasizing the role of international diplomacy and law in governing health.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 579 Statistical Analysis of High-Dimensional Data

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Overview of statistical issues and solutions to high dimensional data analysis. Use of Bioconductor and R, with applications in molecular biology.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 511a .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 580 Foundations of Child Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Overview of issues related to infant, child and adolescent health, including special health considerations at different points in the developmental cycle, health care systems and policies and health disparities.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 581 Quality and Inequality in Health Care: Examination of Health Services

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Social inequalities, including racial/ethnic disparities and income related inequalities are examined in the context of access and delivery of health care in the U.S.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 582 Epidemiology and Prevention of Pediatric Injuries

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Examines the incidence and causes of injuries to children from birth to adolescence, risk factor distributions and approaches to prevention.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 583 Foundations of Early Childhood Mental Health

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Overview of major infant and early childhood mental health issues, relating to the status of child mental health and the importance of comprehensive systems of care for children that support resilience and respond to biological and psychosocial mental health risks.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 584 Systems of Care for Children with Special Needs

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sm
    Examines and evaluates principles, policies, programs and practices (systems) that have evolved to identify, assess and meet the special needs of children and families. Includes both historical and current perspectives.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 585 Child Health Policy

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    History of child health and social welfare programs during the past century. Issues examining health status and health service delivery, the role of health care financing and health policy.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 586 Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Introduction to reproductive health, from preconception to the neonatal and early period of human development. Heavy emphasis on the methods and public health implications. 
    Prerequisite: PM 510L  and PM 512  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 587 Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health

    Units: 4
    Introduction to common uses of qualitative research methods in public health research and application. Methods include ethnography, participant observation, open-ended interviewing, and focus groups.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 588 The Practice of Epidemiology

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Provides students with hands on experience of the common methods used in conducting epidemiological studies, and designing and obtaining funding for research projects.
    Prerequisite: PM 512 ;
    Recommended Preparation: PM 527 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 589 Global Health Governance and Diplomacy in Practice in Geneva (World Health Assembly)

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sm
    Investigates the way health is organized and administered at the global level by integrating students directly into the World Health Assembly (WHA), the decision-making body of the World Health Organization.  
    Recommended Preparation: PM 578  
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 590 Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 591 Machine Learning for the Health Sciences

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Introduces Masters and Ph.D. students in the Health Sciences to Machine Learning methods and their Biomedical applications.
    Prerequisite: PM 511a 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 593 Public Health Practicum

    Units: 4 or 8
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Field placement in a community agency, such as a county health department or community-based organization.
    Recommended Preparation: completion of all course work.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 594a Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PM 594b Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PM 594z Master’s Thesis

    Units: 0
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PM 595 Internship for Curricular Practical Training

    Units: 1, 2, 3
    Max Units: 03
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Part-time or full-time, practical work experience in the student’s field of study. The internship must be located at an off-campus facility. Students are individually supervised by faculty.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to graduate students
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 596 Practicum in Public Health

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Applied practical experience through field placement in federal, state, and/or local public health agencies/organizations, including community-based organizations; research and school-based settings.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 502 , PM 503  and at least one MPH concentration core course
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 597 Capstone in Public Health

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Provides the culminating, integrative learning experience for students enrolled in the Master of Public Health program.
    Recommended Preparation: completion of all MPH course work
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 599 Special Topics

    Units: 2, 3, 4
    Max Units: 8.0
    Terms Offered: Irregular
    Special topics relevant to the study of selected issues and areas of health behavior research or other aspects of preventive medicine.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 601 Basic Theory and Strategies in Prevention

    Units: 4, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Psychosocial basis of healthhazardous lifestyle behaviors and preventive strategies.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 , PM 515 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 602 Basic Theory and Strategies for Compliance/Adaptation

    Units: 4, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Behavioral and psychosocial demands of acute and chronic diseases. Comparison of theoretical models of compliance and adaptation with intervention methods to improve compliance and adaptation.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 500 , PM 515 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 603 Structural Equation Modeling

    Units: 4, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Factor analytic and structural equation modeling approaches to health behavior research — conceptual, practical and mathematical.
    Prerequisite: PM 511b .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 604 Health Behavior Research Methods

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Health research/evaluation philosophies, approaches, and development of skills for development and critique of health behavior research projects/studies.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 511a , PM 511b , PM 511c .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 605 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Theoretical basis and practical approaches for identifying, summarizing and interpreting current bodies of scholarly information addressing a defined research question.
    Prerequisite: PM 510  and PM 512 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 610 Seminar in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

    Units: 1
    Max Units: 4.0
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Special topics of current interest to provide background for research in biostatistics and epidemiology. Based largely on student dissertation research.
    Prerequisite: PhD level.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PM 611 Advanced Topics in Epidemiology

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Irregular
    Review of current epidemiologic research contained in recent medical literature; emphasis on critique of studies and interpretation of findings.
    Instruction Mode: Discussion
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 612a Clinical Translational Research (CTR)

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    First of three courses in CTR, a discipline that fosters multidirectional integration of basic, patient-oriented and population-based research with the long-term goal of improving public health.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 510 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PM 612b Clinical Translational Research (CTR)

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Analysis and interpretation of data to test clinical translational hypotheses.
    Recommended Preparation: PM 510 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter


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