USC Catalogue 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
Industrial and Systems Engineering – Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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Gerontology Center 240
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Chair: Maged Dessouky, PhD
Associate Chair: Kurt Palmer, PhD
A.V. “Bal” Balakrishnan Chair: Petros Ioannou, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Kenneth C. Dahlberg Early Career Chair: Rahul Jain, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Daniel J. Epstein Chair in Industrial and Systems Engineering: Sheldon M. Ross, PhD
Kellner Family Early Career Chair: John Gunnar Carlsson, PhD
David Packard Chair in Manufacturing Engineering: Stephen C-Y Lu, PhD (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science)
John and Dorothy Shea Early Career Chair in Civil Engineering: Ketan Savla, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
J.A. Tiberti Chair in Ethics and Decision Making: Detlof von Winterfeldt, PhD
Dean’s Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering: Behrokh Khoshnevis, PhD
Dean’s Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering: Carl Kesselman, PhD
Epstein Family Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering: Jong-Shi Pang, PhD
Helen N. & Emmett H. Jones Professorship in Engineering: Milind Tambe, PhD (Computer Science)
IBM Professor of Engineering Management: Neil Siegel, PhD
TRW Professor of Software Engineering: Barry Boehm, PhD (Computer Science)
Professors: Ali Abbas, PhD (Public Policy); Barry Boehm, PhD (Computer Science); Yong Chen, PhD; Maged Dessouky, PhD*; Randolph Hall, PhD; Julia Higle, PhD; Carl F. Kesselman, PhD (Computer Science); Behrokh Khoshnevis, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering; Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering); Stephen C-Y Lu, PhD (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science); Najmedin Meshkati, PhD* (Civil and Environmental Engineering); James E. Moore II, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering; Public Policy); Jong-Shi Pang, PhD; Sheldon M. Ross, PhD; Suvrajeet Sen, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering; Computer Science); Milind Tambe, PhD (Computer Science); Detlof von Winterfeldt, PhD (Public Policy)
Associate Professors: John Gunnar Carlsson, PhD; Qiang Huang, PhD; Mansour Rahimi, PhD; Shinyi Wu, PhD (Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work)
Assistant Professors: Meisam Razaviyayn, PhD; Ketan Savla, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems); Sze-Chuan Suen, PhD; Phebe Vayanos, PhD
Research Professors: Yigal Arens, PhD; Mayank Kejriwal, PhD
Adjunct Research Professors: Wanda M. Austin, PhD; Mohamed I. Dessouky, PhD; Fernando Ordoñez, PhD (Computer Science)
Professor of the Practice of Industrial and Systems Engineering: Neil Siegel, PhD
Associate Professors of the Practice of Industrial and Systems Engineering: Geza Bottlik, Engineer, PE; Nitin Kale, MS (Information Technology Program); Kurt Palmer, PhD*
Senior Lecturers: Cesar Acosta-Mejia, PhD; Richard Vawter, MS (Information Technology Program)
Lecturer: Shalini Gupta, PhD
Emeritus Professors: Gerald A. Fleischer, PhD, PE; Homer H. Grant, MS; Ralph Keeney, PhD (Data Sciences and Operations); Peter Will, PhD (Astronautical Engineering, Chemical Engineering)
*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.
Honor Societies
Alpha Pi Mu
Alpha Pi Mu is the industrial engineering honor society. Qualifications for election are: juniors in the upper one-fifth of their class; seniors in the upper one-third of their class; master’s degree students who have completed at least one-third of the courses required for their degree and rank among the top 10 students in all ISE master’s degree programs; and doctoral students recommended by the department chair. The adviser is Kurt Palmer, associate professor of the practice of industrial and systems engineering, (213) 740-5960.
Omega Rho
Omega Rho is the operations research honor society to recognize academic excellence in operations research and encourage study of operations research, management science and closely associated disciplines. Election is by nomination only during the spring semester.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements
Undergraduate Education Program Mission
The mission of the Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering undergraduate program is to:
- Provide students: the skills and knowledge to obtain employment and achieve leadership with the industrial and systems engineering profession or to proceed with graduate education; the intellectual resources to continue life-long learning; and the knowledge of professional ethics and critical reasoning skills necessary for contributing to society.
- Provide employers of industrial and systems engineering professionals with candidates who are technically competent, business aware, collaborative, able to communicate effectively, and ethically grounded.
- Maintain and enhance the reputation of the Epstein department within the engineering, business and academic communities.
Undergraduate Program Educational Objectives
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering program are prepared to achieve any of the following accomplishments:
- Obtain employment in an organization that values people who demonstrate both technical competence and business awareness.
- Pursue graduate or professional education.
- Assume a leadership role in their employment organization or community.
- Utilize critical reasoning, collaboration and creativity to contribute to society.
Undergraduate Program Criteria
The program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering prepares graduates to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy. The curriculum includes in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.
For additional information, visit
Graduate Degree Requirements
Health Systems Management Engineering Program
This degree is in revision, and applications are not currently being accepted. Interested students should consider the Health Administration (MHA) program in the USC Price School of Public Policy .
Master of Science in Product Development Engineering
This interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering . The program is available via distance education. See the listing under Product Development Engineering .
Master of Science in Systems Architecting and Engineering
See the listing under Systems Architecting and Engineering Program . The program is available via distance education.
Dual Degree Program (MS, Electrical Engineering / MS, Engineering Management)
See listing in the Electrical and Computer Engineering section.
Engineer in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Requirements for the Engineer in Industrial and Systems Engineering are the same as set forth in the general requirements .
Graduate Certificates
Graduate Certificate in Network Centric Systems
See listing under Systems Architecting and Engineering Program . The program is available via distance education.
Graduate Certificate in Optimization and Supply Chain Management
This abbreviated interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Data Sciences and Operations in the USC Marshall School of Business. See here for program requirements.
Graduate Certificate in Systems Architecting and Engineering
See listing under Systems Architecting and Engineering Program . The program is available via distance education.
Graduate Certificate in Transportation Systems
This abbreviated interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the USC Price School of Public Policy. See listing under Civil Engineering .
Graduate Certificate in System Safety and Security
Applications for this program are not currently being accepted.
ProgramsBachelor’s DegreeMinorMaster’s DegreeGraduate CertificateDual DegreeDoctoral DegreeCoursesIndustrial and Systems EngineeringPage: 1
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