Jul 02, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2018-2019 
USC Catalogue 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]

Courses of Instruction

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.


Policy, Planning, and Development — Expanded

  • PPDE 681 Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations

    Units: 4
    Key aspects of the fundraising process for nonprofit organizations; theoretical foundations and general fundraising principles; techniques sources of donations; key aspects of managing the process.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PPDE 682 Capstone in Nonprofit Leadership and Management

    Units: 4
    Mission-mandated accountable and ethical practice, individually and organizationally; applications of core competencies; practical inquiry, analysis, systems; comparative frameworks; strategic leadership and management of public value production.
    Prerequisite: PPD 542  and PPD 675  and PPD 689 
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PPDE 683 Social Finance and Development

    Units: 4
    Critical analysis on the innovations, merits and challenges of wealth creation and poverty reduction based on the microfinance model.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

Public Relations

  • PR 209 Effective Writing for Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Focus on the unique writing requirements of social, online, broadcast, print and other media in public relations/strategic communication; emphasis on judgment, context and audience understanding.
    Duplicates Credit in the former JOUR 209
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 250 Strategic Public Relations: An Introduction

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Strategies and practices in the growing field of public relations/strategic communication, including landmark cases; special emphasis on historical roots, evolution, current and future practice.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 250 and former JOUR 350
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 340 Introduction to Advertising

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    History and development of advertising; basic advertising campaigns showing relationships of marketing, creative, print and electronic media.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 340
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 341 Advertising Copywriting

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Writing and editing for advertising and commercial copy for all media.
    Prerequisite: PR 340 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 341
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 342 Advertising Media and Analysis

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Selling, planning, buying for the media; advertising’s relationship to society and business; media choice.
    Prerequisite: PR 340 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 342
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 343 Advertising Design and Production

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Production of advertising materials; emphasis on the creation and design of advertising elements.
    Prerequisite: PR 340 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 343
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 351a Strategic Public Relations Media and Content

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Introduction to media relations, social media and influencer engagement; intensive writing and creating multimedia content for traditional, emerging and social media.
    Prerequisite: PR 209  and PR 250 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 351a
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 351b Strategic Public Relations Media and Content

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Advanced course in writing, digital content and multimedia creation; production of communications collateral for social and owned media channels targeting an array of audiences.
    Prerequisite: PR 351a 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 351b
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 352 Public Relations Media and Content for Non-Majors

    Units: 4
    Learn advanced public relations writing and editing, basic design skills and sophisticated video planning, shooting, editing and production skills.
    Prerequisite: PR 209 
    Registration Restriction: Not open to Public Relations majors
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 390 Special Problems

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 390
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 391 Made in Italy-The Marketing of an Ideal

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    (Enroll in COMM 391 )
  • PR 392 Media and Migration in Times of European Crisis

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    (Enroll in COMM 392 )
  • PR 410 London Calling: Public Relations in the UK Hub

    Units: 4
    Examines how politics affects and influences public relations campaigns in the UK and Europe.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to Annenberg majors
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 428 Social, Legal and Ethical Foundations of Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Covers the complex intersection of legal standards and regulations, ethical practices and decision making, and social responsibilities for public relations/strategic communication practitioners.
    Prerequisite: PR 250 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 428
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 429 Business and Economic Foundations of Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Relationship between public relations/strategic communication and other organizational disciplines; understanding business goals and objectives; economic literacy; financial/investor relations; how PR/communication agencies are built and managed.
    Prerequisite: PR 351a 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 429
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 444 Lifestyle Public Relations: Food, Fashion and Fun!

    Units: 4
    An extensive overview of the Lifestyle Public Relations category with special emphasis on social media, non-traditional influencers and audience segmentation.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 450 Advanced Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    In-depth study of methods for planning, managing and evaluating strategic communication campaigns; critical analysis of contemporary cases; development of campaigns for real world clients.
    Prerequisite: PR 351b  and PR 463 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 450
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 451 Promotional Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Principles and practices of public relations as a basic component in the promotion and marketing of goods and services; regulatory considerations; consumerism.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 451
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 452 Public Relations in Entertainment

    Units: 4
    Public relations in the design, promotion, and presentation of popular entertainment, including films, broadcasting, music, expositions, amusement parks, resorts and arenas.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 452
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 453 Public Relations Strategies for Working with Athletes

    Units: 4
    Sports Public Relations isn’t only getting press for a team or player; it’s managing communications among influencers. Complements overview course giving students advanced look at practitioners’ role with professional athletes.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 454 Sports Public Relations

    Units: 2
    Introduction to the field of sports information and promotion, including lectures, media assignments, role-playing, and presentations by sports professionals.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 454
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 455 Public Relations for Non-Profit Organizations

    Units: 4
    Introduction to the specialized field of public relations for non-profit and non-governmental organizations; emphasis on case studies, strategic and critical thinking, and campaign development.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 455
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 456 Public Relations for Diverse Audiences

    Units: 4
    Researching, planning, executing and evaluating communications campaigns aimed at audiences segmented by culture, lifestyle and other factors.
    Prerequisite: PR 250 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 456
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 457 The Role of Celebrity in Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Understanding of the history and application of celebrity in public relations, focusing on the entertainment industry and the notoriety attached to politics and the media.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 457
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 458 Public Relations in Politics and Political Campaigns

    Units: 4
    Application of public relations principles to the context of political campaigns; emphasis on message development and delivery; relationship between candidate, news media, and electorate.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 458
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 463 Strategic Public Relations Research, Analysis and Insights

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Identification of key strategic insights that drive successful communication campaigns, based on research techniques including surveys, content evaluation and social media monitoring.
    Prerequisite: PR 351a  or JOUR 351a [Inactive] 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 463
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 473 Emerging Media Strategies for Communication and Public Relations

    Units: 4
    In-depth, hands-on study of emerging tradigital, social and owned media channels; Emphasis on the evaluation of such media as effective tools for audience engagement.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to juniors and seniors
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 473
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 477 Strategic Netnography for Digital Communication Insights

    Units: 4
    Provides deep understanding and hands-on experience in the strategic application of netnography, or digital anthropology, to contemporary public relations and communication fields.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 478 Social Media Analytics: Data and Content Creation for Real-time Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Application of monitoring tools to become social media analysts and real-time content creators; interpretation of large data sets drawn from the social web; understanding of how to present data visually for optimal impact.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 478
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 481 Careers and Strategies in Health Communication

    Units: 4
    Understanding of the dynamic, changing world of U.S. healthcare; knowledge of healthcare audiences and how to reach them; creating effective strategic communications initiatives.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 481
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 482 Comparative Media in Europe

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Sm
    (Enroll in JOUR 482 )
  • PR 485 Multimedia PR Content: Digital/Social Media Lab

    Units: 2
    Hands-on lab; Web and new social distribution platforms; development and management of online content and personal brands; social media trends and applications.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 485
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 486 Multimedia PR Content: Introduction to Digital Design Tools

    Units: 2
    Hands-on lab; producing multimedia content; basic principles of design; tools and techniques to create digital images and layouts.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 486
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 487 Multimedia PR Content: Introduction to Audio/Video Tools

    Units: 2
    Hands-on lab; audio/video tools for conceiving, shooting, editing, delivering and archiving compelling stories for online audiences; personal brand building; digital storytelling trends and applications.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 487
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 488 Multimedia PR Content: Visual Communication of Information

    Units: 2
    Overview of tools and techniques available to convey messages and experiences; exploration into graphic design, visual branding, design methods and processes.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 488
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 490 Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 491 Transmedia, New Media and Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Study of the new rules of message development and dissemination in strategic communication and marketing: Participatory Culture, Transmedia Branding, Spreadable Media, and Crowdsourcing. Open only to seniors and master students in public relations and strategic public relations.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to juniors, seniors and graduate students
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 491
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 492 Personal Branding

    Units: 4
    Learn to build, promote and manage a personal brand through critical analysis, case study, interactive interpretation and creative problem solving.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 492
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 498 Public Relations Honors Seminar

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Leadership workshop inspires students to be braver and more creative; encourages them to discover their leadership potential/explore new challenges inside and outside of classroom.
    Registration Restriction: Admission to Honors Program
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 499 Special Topics

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Max Units: max 8
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Selected topics in public relations.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 501 Advocacy Communications

    Units: 4
    Study and evaluation of communications campaigns by civil society actors to influence public policy with a focus on messaging and efforts to shape news coverage.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 501
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 504 Strategic Public Relations Research, Evaluation and Insights

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Covers use of primary and secondary research methods, analysis, web monitoring and analytics, pre- and post-campaign testing, and other techniques in program planning and evaluation.
    Prerequisite: PR 508 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 504
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 508 Introduction to Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Fa
    A survey of the profession, focusing on the key role of strategic public relations in today’s information-based society; provides a social, economic and political context for the program.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 508
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 510 Legal, Ethical and Social Foundations of Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Explores the origins, effects of, and processes for adhering to the complex network of legal, ethical and social responsibilities of the contemporary PR practitioner.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 510
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 527 Multimedia Content Creation for Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Covers the conceptualization and creation of strategy-based, engaging, primarily web-based multimedia content for use by organizations of all types.
    Prerequisite: PR 508  and PR 535 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 527
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 529 Business and Economic Foundations for Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Speaking the language of the board room; understanding business goals and objectives; economic literacy; financial/investor relations; understanding organizational disciplines and how they relate to corporate communication; PR/communication business processes and managed.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 530 Strategic Public Relations Management

    Units: 3
    An analytical, case study-based approach to strategic campaign planning, management and execution, with heavy emphasis on problem solving and the role of research.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 530
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 532 International Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Public information policies and practices of national and supranational government units and national and multinational corporations involved in international relations.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 532
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 534 Case Studies in Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Analysis of landmark and contemporary public relations cases; evaluation of current literature, programs, and professional personnel; identification of emerging issues.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 534
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 535 Writing for Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Intensive focus on the specialized writing requirements of online, broadcast, print and other public relations media; includes content analysis of strategic public relations materials.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 535
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 536 Digital, Social and Mass Media Public Relations Strategies

    Units: 3
    Analysis of shifting media environment; development and execution of multi-platform campaigns based on organizational goals and audience characteristics.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 536
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 537 Public Relations and Branding

    Units: 3
    Concept of branding, including brand definition, brand engagement, brand management and the role of public relations in creating brand value.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 537
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 538 Image Management in Entertainment

    Units: 3
    In-depth study of the creation and protection of reputations for entertainment properties of all types and the characteristics that distinguish it from other disciplines.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 538
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 540 International Journalism Seminar I

    Units: 3
    (Enroll in JOUR 540 )
  • PR 561 Principles of Public Relations

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Other
    Practical and theoretical survey of the public relations profession as it is currently practiced, providing a social/contextual backdrop for further study of the field. 
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 561
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as CMGT 561
  • PR 562 Foundations of Effective PR Writing

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Other
    Specialized writing for persuasive and strategic communication contexts. Intensive focus on public relations writing for print, online, broadcast, and social media.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

    Crosslisted as CMGT 562
  • PR 563 Promotional and Product Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Planning, managing and evaluating integrated communications campaigns utilizing public relations strategies in concert with advertising and other marketing disciplines; emphasis on research, case studies and campaign development.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 563
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 565 Corporate Public Relations and Reputation

    Units: 3
    Learn all aspects of corporate communications and reputation management through real-time news analysis, cases and senior guest speakers from the world’s largest, most admired companies.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 565
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 566 Public Relations for Multicultural and Niche Audiences

    Units: 2
    Developing, managing and evaluating campaigns designed to reach audiences segmented by culture, lifestyle and other factors.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 566
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 568 Crisis Management in Strategic Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Focuses on theories, concepts and practices in risk assessment, issues monitoring, and crisis anticipation/management in a wide variety of organizational contexts, and from multiple perspectives.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 568
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 569 Ethics in Public Relations

    Units: 3
    Application of public relations principles to ethical conduct in a business, government agency, non-profit organization or consulting entity; emphasis on applicable cases and dialogue.
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 569
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 583 Managing Communication in the Entertainment Industry

    Units: 4
    (Enroll in CMGT 543 )
  • PR 590 Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PR 594a Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In Progress/Credit/No Credit

  • PR 594b Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In Progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PR 594z Master’s Thesis

    Units: 0
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PR 597 Financial and Investor Communications

    Units: 3
    Provides a practical, working understanding of financial communications, concerned primarily with articulating a company’s value. This applies to matters of corporate image and financial/investment environment.
    Prerequisite: PR 508 
    Registration Restriction: Open only to Public Relations and Strategic Public Relations majors
    Duplicates Credit in former JOUR 597
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 598 Graduate Honors Seminar: Improvisational Leadership

    Units: 3
    Leadership workshop inspires stepping outside of comfort zones to be braver and more creative. Encourages discovery of leadership potential by exploring new ideas and challenges.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to Strategic Public Relations majors
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PR 599 Special Topics

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Max Units: max 8
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Seminar in selected topics in journalism.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • PSCI 501 Drugs: Principles of ADME and Bioavailability

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Principles of drug formulation, delivery, metabolism and transport; influence of physicochemical properties, physiology, and pharmacogenetics on these properties; drug-drug interactions; and pharmacokinetics.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 502 Principles of Therapeutic Mechanisms

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Principles of mechanisms of actions of common drug classes, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, drug interactions with protein targets, biologics, drug targeting and nanotechnology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 511 Drugs: Solubility, Dissolution and Absorption

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Drug formulation based on physicochemical properties, ionization, solubility, rate of solution, partitioning; methods to improve these properties to enhance absorption.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 512 Drugs: Metabolism and Transporters

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Drug metabolism and transport, mechanism of CYP P450 enzymes, chemistry of metabolic pathways, prediction of metabolism, mechanism of drug uptake and efflux, drug-drug interactions.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 513 Drugs: Biologics and Specialty Pharmaceuticals

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Formulation and delivery of biologics, mechanism of action and use of biologics in major disease states, and value of specialty pharmaceuticals.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 515 Drugs: Genetics and Pharmacogenetics

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Drug-related genetics principles; pharmacogenetics influencing drug action, including individual responses to drugs based on SNPs; and genetic engineering and gene therapy.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 516 Free Radical Biology in Health and Disease

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Principles of free radical biochemistry and its effects on pathophysiology; redox regulation of cell signaling and transcriptional pathways.
    Recommended Preparation: Undergraduate course in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology or Cell Biology
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 531 Cell Biology

    Units: 4
    (Enroll in INTD 531 )
  • PSCI 556 Principal Research Approaches and Scientific Writing

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Familiarizes new graduate students with basic approaches used in biomedical research, with a focus on approaches in pharmaceutical, pharmacological and translational sciences. Provides an understanding of what to expect in the coming years as a graduate student doing biomedical research and in scientific writing.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 557 Introduction to Tools and Techniques for Chemical Biology

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Multidisciplinary science where the knowledge of chemistry is utilized to solve problems in biology, and biological systems are evolved to gain new functions. This course aims to establish a great opportunity for graduate students at the interface of biology and chemistry.
    Recommended Preparation: formal course work in chemistry and biochemistry.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture, Discussion
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 561 Molecular Biology

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    (Enroll in INTD 561 )
  • PSCI 571 Biochemistry

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    (Enroll in INTD 571 )
  • PSCI 590 Directed Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 594a Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Prerequisite: completion of all required course work for the MS degree.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 594b Master’s Thesis

    Units: 2
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Prerequisite: completion of all required course work for the MS degree.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 594z Master’s Thesis

    Units: 0
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Credit on acceptance of thesis.
    Prerequisite: completion of all required course work for the MS degree.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: In-progress to Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 596 Internship for Curricular Practical Training

    Units: 1, 2, 3
    Max Units: 03
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Part-time or full-time, practical work experience in the student’s field of study. The internship must be located at an off-campus facility. Students are individually supervised by faculty. May not be taken until the student has completed at least one semester of enrollment in the graduate program with a cumulative 3.0 GPA.
    Registration Restriction: Open only to graduate students
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 599 Special Topics

    Units: 2, 3, 4
    Max Units: 8.0
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Topics in advanced pharmaceutical sciences.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 633 Free Radical Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    (Enroll in GERO 666 )
  • PSCI 655 Immunopharmaceutics

    Units: 2, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Lectures and discussion sessions on pharmaceuticsrelated immunology, including drugs affecting the immune system, antibodies and cytokines as drugs, and new developments in immunobiotechnology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 662 Advanced Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics

    Units: 2
    Max Units: 4.0
    Terms Offered: FaSp
    Principles of advanced pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. Mathematical description of drug disposition processes. Design and evaluation of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies. Advanced approaches to parameter estimates.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 664 Drug Discovery and Design

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Principles of drug discovery, design and characterization. Mechanisms of action of major classes of drugs.
    Recommended Preparation: college level chemistry and biology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 665 Drug Transport and Delivery

    Units: 4
    Terms Offered: Fa
    Principles of cellular drug transport, in vivo drug transport, and modern drug delivery, including drug targeting.
    Recommended Preparation: college level chemistry and biology.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 667 Intracellular Drug Delivery and Targeting

    Units: 2, 2 years
    Terms Offered: Sp
    Mechanisms of membrane trafficking and intracellular transport and the utilization of these mechanisms in drug delivery and targeting.
    Recommended Preparation: college level chemistry and biology, INTD 531 .
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 756a Seminar in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Review of current pharmaceutical and related research topics.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 756b Seminar in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Units: 1
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Review of current pharmaceutical and related research topics.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Letter

  • PSCI 790 Research

    Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Terms Offered: FaSpSm
    Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.
    Instruction Mode: Lecture
    Grading Option: Credit/No Credit

  • PSCI 791L Research

    Units: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Max Units: no max
    Directed research for the MS thesis or PhD dissertation.

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