USC Catalogue 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
USC Thornton School of Music

Alumni Jaquain Sloan on Broadway street
in Downtown Los Angeles.
Photo by Ben Gibbs/USC.
Since its founding in 1884, the USC Thornton School of Music has become the center of higher education in music in the western United States and is among the top schools of music in the nation. Situated in the heart of the vital musical life of Los Angeles, USC Thornton brings together a distinguished faculty and gifted students from around the world. It is in this wonderfully diverse cultural milieu that students are offered instruction in virtually all professional and scholarly branches of music, including instrumental and vocal performance, jazz, popular music performance, music production, early music, composition, screen scoring, music industry, musicology, music teaching and learning, arts leadership, pedagogy, choral and sacred music, conducting and opera. In addition to its major programs, USC Thornton also offers a wide array of music minors and general interest courses for students majoring in other disciplines.
The USC Thornton Symphony, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, Opera, Wind Ensemble, Popular Music Ensembles, Songwriter Showcases, Jazz Orchestra, Contemporary Music Ensemble, Early Music Ensemble and a wide variety of large and small choral and instrumental ensembles offer students a broad performing experience. More than 500 formal and informal concerts and recitals are presented on campus each year and the school regularly presents eminent visiting artists and scholars in master classes, workshops, lectures, seminars and in performance.
Los Angeles is the home of numerous musical organizations whose performances contribute immeasurably to the cultural life of the region, and is also the home of the nation’s major recording, radio, film and television industries. All offer abundant opportunities to the serious young music professional.
Music Student Affairs
The Music Complex 200
(213) 740-4721
Associate Dean: Phillip Placenti
Music Admission
The Music Complex 200
(213) 740-8986
Associate Dean: Phillip Placenti
Arts Leadership
Music Faculty Building 402
(213) 740-1895
Director: Kenneth Foster
Choral Music
Music Faculty Building 416
(213) 821-5756
Chair: Cristian Grases
Classical Guitar
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7702
Chair: Scott Tennant
Music Faculty Building 308
(213) 740-7416
Chair: Donald Crockett
Music Faculty Building 308
(213) 740-7416
Chair: Larry Livingston
Jazz Studies
The Music Complex 118
(213) 740-3119
Chair: Jason Goldman
Keyboard Collaborative Arts
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7703
Director: Alan Smith
Keyboard Studies
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7703
Chair: Alan Smith
Music Faculty Building 308
(213) 740-7416
Chair: Bruce Brown
Music Teaching and Learning
Music Faculty Building 402
(213) 740-6935
Chair: Beatriz Ilari
Music Industry
The Music Complex 118
(213) 740-3224
Chair: Michael Garcia
Music Technology
The Music Complex 118
(213) 740-3224
Chair: Richard Schmunk
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7703
Director: Ladd Thomas
Popular Music Performance
The Music Complex 118
(213) 740-3244
Chair: Patrice Rushen
Screen Scoring
The Music Complex 118
(213) 821-4192
Director: Daniel Carlin
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7702
Chair: Ralph Kirshbaum
Studio Guitar
The Music Complex 118
(213) 740-3224
Chair: Nick Stoubis
Vocal Arts
Ramo Hall of Music 112
(213) 740-7704
Chair: Lisa Sylvester
Winds and Percussion
Music Faculty Building 308
(213) 740-7416
Chair: Sharon Lavery
All departments may be reached by writing to:
USC Thornton School of Music
Music Faculty Building
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0851
FAX: (213) 740-3217
Robert A. Cutietta, DEd, Dean
Lucinda Carver, DMA, Vice Dean, Division of Classical Performance Studies
Joanna Demers, PhD*, Vice Dean, Division of Scholarly and Professional Studies
Sean Holt, MA, Vice Dean, Division of Contemporary Music
Jeffrey de Caen, MBA, Associate Dean for Operations
Donald Crockett, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
A. Phoenix Delgado, DMA, Associate Dean for Advancement
Brian Head, MM, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Susan Miltner Lopez, MBA, Associate Dean for Administration and Finance
Phillip Placenti, EdD, Associate Dean for Admission and Student Affairs
Robert Mann Chair in Strings and Chamber Music: Glenn Dicterow, BA
Bowen H. “Buzz” McCoy and Barbara M. McCoy Endowed Chair in Jazz at the Flora L. Thornton School of Music, Honoring President Steven B. Sample, 10th President of the University of Southern California: Bob Mintzer, BA*
Gregor Piatigorsky Chair in Violoncello: Ralph Kirshbaum, BA
Judge Widney Professor of Music: Midori Goto, MA*
Judge Widney Professor of Music: Michael Tilson Thomas
Professors: Bruce Brown, PhD*; Ken Cazan, BFA*; Terry Cravens, DMA*; Donald Crockett, PhD*; Robert A. Cutietta, DEd; Joanna Demers, PhD*; Glenn Dicterow, BA; Kevin Fitz-Gerald, Art. Dipl; Stewart Gordon, DMA*; Jeffrey Kahane, MA; Ralph Kirshbaum, BA; Larry Livingston, MM; Ronald McCurdy, PhD; Richard McIlvery, MM; Bob Mintzer, BA*; Alan Pasqua, BM*; Daniel Pollack, MS*; Frank Potenza, MM*; Jo-Michael Scheibe, DMA*; Alan Smith, DMA*; Richard Smith, MM; John Thomas, MM; Frank Ticheli, DMA*
Associate Professors: Yehuda Gilad, Dipl*; Adam Gilbert, PhD; Rod Gilfry, MM; Cristian Grases, DMA; Ted Hearne, MM; Elizabeth Hynes, BM; Beatriz Ilari, PhD; David Moore, BM
Assistant Professors: Nate Sloan, PhD; Scott Spencer, PhD; Lisa Vest, PhD*; Nina Young, DMA
Professors of Practice: Bernadene Blaha, MM; Daniel Carlin, MM; Lucinda Carver, DMA*; Peter Erskine; Kenneth Foster, MA; Rotem Gilbert, DMA*; Mark Goldstein, JD; Brian Head, MM*; Lynn Helding, MM; Veronika Krausas, DMA; Richard Schmunk, DMA*; Carl St. Clair, MM; Nick Strimple, DMA; Scott Tennant, MM; Joel Timm, DMA; James Walker, BME*
Associate Professors of Practice: Jeffrey Allen, BA; Lina Bahn, DM*; Susan Helfter, DMA*; Lyndia Johnson, MMA; William Kanengiser, MM*; Sharon Lavery, MM; Yura Lee, Art Dipl; Kevin Lyman, BS; Brent McMunn, MM; Karen Parks, MM; Antoinette Perry, MM; Stephen Pierce, DMA; Christopher Sampson, MM; Tram Sparks, DMA; Nick Stoubis, MM; Lisa Sylvester, DMA; Jacob Vogel, DMA
Assistant Professors of Practice: Thomas Michael Allen, MM; Russell Ferrante, Dipl; Michael Garcia, BA; Jason Goldman, MM; Sean Holt, MA*; William Kennedy; Timothy Kobza, MM; Andrew Leff, JD; Brian Malouf, BA; Sean Nye, PhD; Christopher Rozé, DMA; Patrice Rushen, BA; Michael Smith, BA; Mark Weiser, MM
Lecturers and Senior Lecturers (Full-time): Andrae Alexander, MA; David Arnay, MM; William Biersach, BA; Charles Gutierrez, AA; Timo Preece, MS/MA; Aaron Serfaty, BFA; Stephen Trovato, BS
Adjunct Professors: Jeff Brabec; Todd Brabec; Martin Chalifour; Pam Frank; Julie Landsman; Vincent Mendoza; Howard Nelson; Cherry Rhodes; Pepe Romero; James Self; Jo Ann Turovsky; Allan Vogel; Peter Webster; Richard Wolf
Adjunct Associate Professors: James Babor; Margaret Batjer; Karen Dreyfus; Judith Farmer; David Howard; Joseph Pereira; Andrew Shulman; Bing Wang
Adjunct Assistant Professors: Adriana Balic; Jon Burlingame; Neal Desby; Bruce Forman; Parmer Fuller; Thomas Hooten; Paul Jackson Jr.; Adam Kofler; Jennifer Marotta; Leah Morrison; Darek Oleszkiewicz; Robert Sheppard; Andrea Stolpe; Robert Young
Adjunct Instructors: Andy Abad; Helane Anderson; Pete Anthony; Michael Arrom; Jonathan Azu; Steve Becknell; Bobby Borg; Jae Deal; Snehal Desai; Siobhán Dougall; Maxine Eilander; Sara Gazarek; Peter Golub; Kathleen Grace; Tim Greiving; Jeremy Gruber; David Herrin; Joel High; Ben Hong; Alphonso Johnson; Michael Kaminsky; Jennifer Kampani; Laura Karpman; Patrick Kirst; Marion Kuszyk; Edwin Livingston; Ginny Luke; Andrew Martin; Mary Mattei; Jessica Maxfield; Roy McCurdy; Loren Medina; Jazmin Morales; Shawn Mouser; Sung-Hwa Park; David Poe; John Schmidt; Garry Schyman; Lawrence Shragge; Michael Stever; Douglas Tornquist; Vivian Wang; Lindsay Wolfington; Vincent Womack
Lecturers (Part-time): Lot Demeyer; Jeremy Frank; Paul Hodgins; Charles Koster; Eric Pham; Troy Quinn; Jason Yoshida
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Composition: Stephen Hartke, PhD*; Morten Lauridsen, DMA*
Emeritus Professors: Arthur C. Bartner, EdD*; William Dehning, DMA*; Gary Glaze, MM*; James Hopkins, PhD*; Frederick Lesemann, DMA*; Thom Mason, DMA*; Donald McInnes, MM; Cynthia Munzer, BM*; John Perry, MM; William A. Schaefer, MA; Margaret Schaper, MM*; Alice Schoenfeld*; Bryan Simms, PhD*; Ladd Thomas, DMA; William Thomson, PhD; Nancy Woods, MM
Emeritus Associate Professor of Practice: Kenneth Lopez, BA
Emeritus Senior Lecturer: Patrick Kelley, BM
*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.
Degree Programs
The Thornton School of Music offers professional and academic degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. These degrees are summarized below.
Bachelor of Music: Students working toward this professional degree have a wide choice of specializations: choral music, composition, music industry, instrumental performance, jazz studies, popular music performance, music production and vocal arts. Students can take either a single major program or double majors in several combinations such as piano and composition, string, or percussion instrument. The two majors must be offered by different departments but lead to the same degree (for example, Bachelor of Music). Double majors consisting of two majors in the same department are not permitted. The degree is granted by the Thornton School of Music.
Bachelor of Arts: These degrees are designed for students with a strong music background who wish to combine professional music training with substantial study in other disciplines.
Bachelor of Science: Offered by the Thornton School of Music in the specialized area of music industry.
Minors in Music: Eight different minors in music are offered, each approaching the discipline from a unique perspective and with a distinct curriculum: Jazz Studies, Musical Studies (Performance), Musical Theatre, Music Industry, Music Production, Music Recording, Popular Music Studies and Songwriting.
Master of Music: This is a professional degree that represents proficiency in one area of musical practice and relevant knowledge in musical literature, performance and technique. It requires a minimum of 30 graduate units, of which 15 must be at the 500 level or higher. Students complete a thesis, recital(s) or other capstone project as part of the degree requirements. The degree can be earned in choral music, composition, jazz studies, keyboard collaborative arts, guitar, organ, piano, voice or instrumental performance, teaching and learning, or sacred music. The degree is granted by the Thornton School of Music.
Master of Arts: This degree, offered through the Graduate School in conjunction with the Thornton School of Music, stresses music history or early music performance, with emphasis on scholarly research.
Master of Science: Two degrees are offered in Arts Leadership and Music Industry.
Doctor of Musical Arts: This is a professional degree that represents the highest level of expertise in a major field of musical practice and competence in several additional areas. Students may specialize in choral music, composition, jazz studies, vocal or instrumental performance, sacred music, or teaching and learning.
Doctor of Philosophy: Conferred by the Graduate School, this is an academic degree in the field of historical musicology. A substantial background in music, research and languages is required.
Entrance to the Degree Programs
Admission to a degree program is granted through USC’s admission process, described in the Admission section of this catalogue. Supplementary materials are also required for students seeking admission to the Thornton School of Music, which are described online at
Applicants to a program within the school are screened by appropriate faculty selection committees that hold auditions, interviews and examine supporting materials. Letters of acceptance are issued by the USC Office of Admission.
A performance audition is required of applicants to most degree and certificate programs in the Thornton School of Music. Detailed information regarding audition requirements for specific Thornton programs is available online at
Graduate Academic Admission Examination
All DMA and PhD applicants as well as Master’s applicants in Music Teaching and Learning, Community Music, and Early Music must, as part of the admission process, take the Graduate Academic Admission Examination administered by the Thornton School. Detailed information is posted annually at the USC Thornton School of Music website (
Placement Tests
Undergraduate transfer students who have had formal study in any of the following areas must take the appropriate placement examination prior to their first registration: aural skills, theory, music history, conducting, analysis, orchestration and performance. The results of these examinations determine placement in appropriate sequential courses.
Admission to Graduate Standing
All students entering a graduate-level degree program (MA, MM, DMA, PhD) at USC Thornton, who have not previously completed a degree at USC Thornton, must take a series of entrance exams in core music subjects. These exams are called Music Graduate Entrance Exams (MGEEs). Information regarding which exams are required for specific majors is available at the USC Thornton School of Music website (
MGEEs are administered during a prescribed time period prior to the first week of classes each fall and spring semester. Entering students must take all required exams at the scheduled exam time prior to the beginning of their first semester in the program. If any given exam is not passed on the first attempt, that exam can be retaken at the scheduled exam time prior to the beginning of the second semester in the program. If the exam is not passed on the second attempt, the corresponding review course must be successfully completed with a grade of B minus or better before the beginning of the third semester in the program. No MGEE can be attempted after the second semester in the program, regardless of whether the exam has previously been attempted. If students complete any MGEE after their second semester in the program, the score earned on said exam will be invalid. Failure to fulfill all MGEE requirements by the beginning of the third semester – either through exams or review courses – may delay permission to fulfill degree requirements such as recitals, comprehensive or qualifying examinations, thesis projects, and dissertations, and may also have a negative impact on financial aid eligibility.
If a student is not able to take an exam at the scheduled exam time, the exam administrator may choose to administer a similar exam at another scheduled time during the first week of the semester. This alternate exam time will be arranged in rare cases and at the sole discretion of the exam administrator.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
The Thornton School of Music adheres to the USC Admission policies regarding TOEFL and IELTS scores. With some exceptions, international applicants from non-English-speaking countries are required to submit these scores by the application deadline. Test scores that are more than two years old at the time of application are not accepted. For any applicant whose first language is not English, regardless of educational background or immigration status, the Thornton School may require as a condition of admission that they take the International Student English (ISE) exam, administered by the USC American Language Institute, as well as complete any English language course work that may be prescribed from the results of that exam.
Advanced Standing Credit for Music Courses Taken at Accredited Institutions
Music courses completed with satisfactory grades at a regionally accredited institution of higher education may be acceptable for transfer. A review of transcripts and course syllabi will be required in order to determine transferability of course work. The Thornton School may also require a student to take a placement test (at no cost) to determine the extent of their knowledge in a given area of musical study before a final determination is made regarding transferability of course work.
Advanced Standing Credit for Music Courses Not Taken at Accredited Institutions
Music courses completed at an institution that is not regionally accredited will generally not be transferable. In exceptional cases, the Thornton School may consider petitions for transfer credit for these courses. The petition review process will include evaluation of transcripts with letter grades, course syllabi for each course for which transfer credit is being requested, and examples of work completed for a grade in those courses. Additional information may also be required in order for the Thornton School to complete a full transfer credit evaluation.
Curriculum Requirements
The curriculum requirements for each major are listed under each degree. The USC course classification and numbering system is explained in the Registration section of this catalogue. In addition, music courses sometimes carry the following abbreviations: CD = Conducting; CG = Classical Guitar; HC = Harpsichord; OR = Organ; P = Piano; SG = Studio Guitar; VA = Viola; VC = Voice Coaching; VO = Voice.
Change of Curriculum
To change from one curriculum to another, a student must apply and be approved for the new curriculum by the appropriate department chair and declare the intent to change curriculum through his or her academic adviser in the Thornton School.
Non-Degree Programs
Students who have highly specialized interests that may not be met through degree programs may apply for admission to one of the following non-degree programs.
Artist Diploma Program
This program is designed for young artists of exceptional ability and musical sensitivity who plan careers as solo performers. The Artist Diploma Program provides young artists the opportunity to devote their full time to concentrated study and practice for the duration of their assigned programs. This program typically requires two to three consecutive years of study for completion.
Graduate Certificate in Arts Leadership
The Graduate Certificate program in arts leadership is a two-semester program for artists, arts administrators and cultural workers of all types to develop the skills necessary to become successful leaders in the arts and arts organizations in a rapidly changing and radically altered contemporary world.
Graduate Certificate Program in Performance
This two-year graduate-level program is designed for students who have completed their undergraduate education in music, or its equivalent, and intend to concentrate their energies on the full-time development of their discipline.
Honor Society
Pi Kappa Lambda
Pi Kappa Lambda is a national honor society established in 1918 for the promotion and recognition of scholarship and performance in music. Students of the Thornton School of Music are eligible for election to Eta chapter at the University of Southern California, established in 1923, according to guidelines established by the board of the Eta chapter.
Undergraduate Degrees
Minors in Music
Minor in Performing Arts Studies
The minor in performing arts provides an interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature and aesthetics of the performing arts. It combines the disciplines of cinematic arts, dance, music and theatre. The minor is a unique course of study that looks at how the performing arts contribute to a culturally literate society. See the USC School of Dramatic Arts section of this catalogue.
Graduate Degrees
Admission-Audition Requirements
Applicants to graduate programs in the Thornton School of Music must fulfill all music admission requirements described at, in addition to fulfilling all USC graduate admission requirements. See Thornton School of Music Degree Programs and Entrance to the Degree Programs sections of this catalogue for further information.
ProgramsBachelor’s Degree- Choral Music (BA)*
- Choral Music (BM)
- Composition (BM)
- Jazz Studies (BM)
- Music (BA)*
- Music Industry (BM)
- Music Industry (BS)
- Music Production (BM)
- Performance (Classical Guitar) (BM)
- Performance (Flute), (Oboe), (Clarinet), (Bassoon), (Saxophone), (French Horn), (Trumpet), (Trombone), (Tuba) or (Percussion) (BM)
- Performance (Organ) (BM)
- Performance (Piano) (BM)
- Performance (Popular Music) (BM)
- Performance (Studio Guitar) (BM)
- Performance (Violin), (Viola), (Violoncello), (Double Bass) or (Harp) (BM)
- Performance (Vocal Arts) (BM)
MinorDiplomaMaster’s Degree- Arts Leadership (MS)
- Choral Music (MM)
- Community Music (MM)
- Composition (MM)
- Conducting (MM)
- Contemporary Teaching Practice (MM)
- Early Music Performance Emphasis (MA)
- Jazz Studies (MM)
- Music History and Literature Emphasis (MA)
- Music Industry (MS)
- Performance (Classical Guitar) (MM)
- Performance (Flute), (Oboe), (Clarinet), (Bassoon), (Saxophone), (French Horn), (Trumpet), (Trombone), (Tuba) or (Percussion) (MM)
- Performance (Keyboard Collaborative Arts) (MM)
- Performance (Organ) (MM)
- Performance (Piano) (MM)
- Performance (Studio Guitar) (MM)
- Performance (Violin), (Viola), (Violoncello), (Double Bass) or (Harp) (MM)
- Performance (Vocal Arts) (MM)
- Sacred Music (MM)
- Screen Scoring (MM)
- Teaching and Learning (MM)
Graduate CertificateDoctoral DegreeCoursesMusic History and LiteratureMusic Industry- MUIN 270 Introduction to the Music Industry
- MUIN 272x Basics of the Music Industry
- MUIN 280 Communications in the Music Industry
- MUIN 286 Record Production Management
- MUIN 287 The Business and Economics of the Recording Industry
- MUIN 320 Critical Listening, Acoustics and Audio Perception
- MUIN 340 Introduction to Sound Reinforcement
- MUIN 360 Introduction to Music Law
- MUIN 370 Music Publishing and Licensing
- MUIN 372 Business and Legal Aspects of the Music Industry
- MUIN 385 Radio in the Music Industry
- MUIN 410 Marketing, Branding and Strategic Alliances in Music
- MUIN 420 DIY Music Marketing
- MUIN 425 Live Music Production and Promotion
- MUIN 430 Artist Management and Development
- MUIN 435 Manufacture and Distribution of Musical Products
- MUIN 440 Arts Management
- MUIN 443 The Business of Music for Visual Media
- MUIN 444 Music Supervision
- MUIN 445 International Music Industry
- MUIN 450 Practicum in Music Industry Issues (Internship)
- MUIN 460 Streaming Economy in the Music Industry
- MUIN 461 Music Festival Design and Management
- MUIN 462 Technology, Big Data and Marketing in the Music Industry
- MUIN 464 Public Assembly Venue Management
- MUIN 475 Advanced Concert Management
- MUIN 476a Advanced Sound Reinforcement
- MUIN 476b Advanced Sound Reinforcement
- MUIN 490x Directed Research
- MUIN 495 Web Design for the Music Industry
- MUIN 496 Music Media Solutions
- MUIN 497 Current Topics, Case Studies, and Analysis
- MUIN 498a Final Capstone Project
- MUIN 498b Final Capstone Project
- MUIN 499 Special Topics
- MUIN 510 The Music Industry: Careers, Rights and Income Streams
- MUIN 511 Music Industry History: Entrepreneurs, Moguls and Catalogs
- MUIN 512 The Management of Live Performances
- MUIN 515 Live Touring Strategy
- MUIN 520 Artist Management: Campaign Planning, Pitching, Partnerships
- MUIN 521 Music Industry/Producers Forum
- MUIN 522 Music Marketing, Branding and Campaigns
- MUIN 523 Survey/Analysis of Music Agreements
- MUIN 525 Concert Promotion, Venue Management and Event Planning
- MUIN 526 Music Supervision, Production and Creative Licensing
- MUIN 530 Mentorship
- MUIN 540 Artist Management: Campaign Execution and Hindsight Analysis
- MUIN 541 Data Analytics: Music Marketing Decisions and Presentations
- MUIN 542 Developing Copyright Laws and Business Models
- MUIN 570 The Music Industry
- MUIN 590 Directed Research
- MUIN 598 Internship
- MUIN 599 Special Topics
- MUIN 790 Research
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